Collaborative Divorce | Hassell Family Law
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Collaborative Divorce

Navigating Collaborative Divorce in Texas: The Compassionate Approach to Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law is an alternative dispute resolution method designed to keep you out of the courtroom and remove the threat of litigation. Collaborative Law focuses instead on a collaborative divorce process that respects both parties' emotions and objectives without the negativity that often comes with emotional, expensive, and stressful traditional divorce litigation. In Collaborative Law, the parties work together with their attorney and neutral financial and counseling professionals to accomplish parenting solutions and financial goals for the parties and their families.


This process is designed to preserve the familial relationships that are often strained in traditional divorce litigation to foster better co-parenting after divorce. Collaborative Law and its ideals share a foundation with the Smarter Path for divorce advocated by Hassell Family Law. With my guidance in Collaborative Law Divorce, I strive for a fair, efficient, respectful, and peaceful resolution that serves everyone involved.


Interested in a more civil, transparent, and efficient divorce? The Collaborative Divorce process might be the right path for you. Schedule a Consultation Today to explore this compassionate approach.

Large Ornate Building in Houston

Navigate Divorce with Respect and Cooperation

Experience a divorce process centered on peace and cooperation with an experienced Collaborative Divorce attorney by your side. Schedule a consultation today to learn how this approach can help you and your spouse part ways amicably, focusing on mutually beneficial solutions.

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